This intensive marriage weekend has been a ray of hope for me.

“This intensive marriage weekend has been a ray of hope for me. I have been crying out to the Lord for almost two years.

This is my third marriage. I love Jim and I did not want to give up – but I couldn’t handle the daily abuse. Jim had been out of the house for two months and was rejecting reading your book.

I was at the end of my rope when I heard about the Intensive. We needed a miracle NOW! Not in six months or a year. This weekend has confirmed everything that I have felt for years since my first marriage.

I am full of hope that Jim will be able to embrace and live all of this so that we can experience the healing that this teaching offers.

I want him to be successful, not only so that he can become the man, husband and father that God created him to be, but also so that I can become the woman, wife and mother that I have always known God created me to be.

I love you both dearly and hope to bring life, health and healing to other couples in the future.
