Right now, your situation may feel like two people, too far apart, with too much damage done to save the marriage. But, before you and your spouse close the door forever, you owe it to yourselves and possibly your children to give saving this marriage one more try. Take one more step and contact us now. You have everything to gain and so much to lose if you don’t.
Next Intensive: Please call for next date.
Meet Joel and Kathy in Person!
Attend the Weekend Marriage Intensives
Five Day Weekend Marriage Intensives
in Palm Coast, Florida
5-Day Marriage Intensive with a maximum of four couples. $1990 per couple (Need-based partial scholarship help is available).
Click here to Register Now!
or call
Joel and Kathy conduct Weekend Marriage Intensives. Each one is designed for those couples who are in crisis and need a miracle NOW to avert disaster. Weekend Intensives are limited to four couples for maximum impact. If this weekend does not begin your miracle, nothing will!
Couples who come to Weekend Marriage Intensives come with the most severe marriage issues. God will meet you here!
Details about the Five Day Weekend Marriage Intensives
in Palm Coast, Florida with Joel and Kathy:
We will have sessions on Wednesday from 6:00 PM – 11:00 PM, Thursday from 10 AM – 4 PM, and 6 PM – 11 PM. Friday sessions will be from 10 AM – 6:30 PM. Saturday sessions will be from 10 am – 1:30 PM. Saturday night at 8 PM we will treat you to dinner. Friday evening is free from 6:30 pm and Saturday afternoon is free from 1:30 PM – 7:30 PM to enjoy the beach, St. Augustine, or Palm Coast. We will finish the weekend on Sunday morning with our final session from 9 am – 1 PM.
The total costs involved are as follows: Transportation to Palm Coast, four nights in our home utilizing Airbnb. Joel and Kathy AirBnB (Approximately $375) plus additional food as you desire. (Note: We supply self-serve breakfast foods and snacks. You will only be paying for lunch and dinners out.
(If you look at the airbnb calendar right now, the calendars might show these nights blocked. We will unblock them when it is time for you to make your reservation.)
You will want to fly into Daytona Beach, Orlando, or Jacksonville. Daytona Beach is closest to the hotel. Jacksonville is the second closest. Orlando is 3rd and normally a little lower cost.
The cost for Registration is $1990 per couple.**
After the weekend is over, there is a full follow-up system, consisting of the six weekly calls noted above, a 24/7 marriage forum, simple “homework” assignments, and one-on-one phone consultations if necessary.
These Weekend Marriage Intensives are designed for marriages in crisis. Divorces are often canceled and couples who have literally hated each other have received astounding miracles of heart transformation at their Weekend Marriage Intensive. We are thrilled that couples are saved from divorce, HOWEVER…
…we are NOT satisfied if you simply “stay together” as a result of this Weekend; that is NOT our goal!
Our goal is for you to experience the HAPPINESS and JOY that God planned for you to experience when he created the concept of marriage! Marriage is NOT supposed to be a test of endurance. Marriage is God’s #1 means of giving us a taste of heaven on earth when it is done right!
Suppose you will DECIDE that you WILL NOT be satisfied until you are experiencing the happiest marriage that you know of. In that case, we will stick with you through these easy-to-access follow-up opportunities until you are experiencing an OUTRAGEOUSLY HAPPY Marriage!
If this weekend and the follow-up do not work for you – then NOTHING will. This is the Fork in the Road. If you have tried EVERYTHING else and nothing has worked – this will work for you you. If it doesn’t, then at least you will know that you did everything possible.
Your cost to us for the Weekend Marriage Intensive is $ 1990.
To register, click here: Register Now
Your $ 1990 registration fee covers:
- Joel and Kathy’s ministry and time.
- “Take-home” supplies.
- (26 hours on DVD from a previous Intensive. Two sets of presentation notes.)
- Dinner on Saturday night. (Does not include drinks)
- Administrative cost. (Credit card processing fee and our accountant!)
- Marriage Ministry Expenses
- APS Temperament Test
It is highly recommended that you have your temperament profile done as part of your marriage healing journey. We recommend the National Christian Counselors Association’s Arno Profile Temperament Test, which is the foundation of the National Christian Counselors Association counseling programs. Tens of thousands of people have had Arno’s Profile Temperament Test done already. If you have, please bring it with you. If you have not yet, we just need your go-ahead to order the links for your questionnaires.
* Please note: Joel and Kathy spend five full days, a combined total of about 60 hours each in the five-day period. That is 120 hours of “life force” from Joel and Kathy to pour into your life.
At your weekend marriage intensive, we will give you an opportunity to support the ministry on an ongoing, monthly basis. We want EVERYONE who needs it to be able to come to a Weekend Marriage Intensive – so we keep the cost low.