In-Home Private Visit

With Joel and Kathy
Private “In Home” Marriage Help and Mentoring

For some couples, it may be more “doable” to have us (Joel and Kathy) come to your home to meet with you one-on-one. We RECOMMEND that you first attend a Weekend Marriage Intensive but for some people, the cost of lost work time traveling by air or car to Palm Coast is too much. If this is the case, you may request an in-home visit.

Joel and Kathy will come to your home for four days, for $3980 plus our travel expenses. (Flying in coach or driving when it is approximately 200 miles or less from Palm Coast). If you do not have private sleeping space in your home, you may pay for us to stay in a hotel. We will eat at your home or anywhere that you would like to treat us. You will pick us up at the airport and return us to the airport on the final day. Or you might prefer to pay for a rental car from the hotel. Whichever you prefer is fine with us.

You will have our full attention for the four days minus a few hours that we conduct group marriage phone calls. In the average four-day period, we conduct the calls once or twice. The prerequisite requirement is that you have both watched the 12-hour DVD set and read both books, the Man of Her Dreams, the Woman of His, and Livin’ It and Lovin’ It! before we arrive. You will also each write up a detailed outline of the marriage issues and history to send to us in advance so that we can make the best use of our time together.In Home Visit

If you need different days, then call us to see if we can accommodate your schedule. Depending on the situation, we might travel the day before and/or after, making our time away from home a possible five or six days. We will not charge for this extra travel time. However, if we can arrive around noon on day one and leave around 6 pm on day 4, that is what we will do. When you call, we will determine arrival and departure details based on your current situation.

Call Joel and Kathy at 386-986-6859


Meet Joel and Kathy