Marriage Repair

Marriage Repair

Marriage Repair If your wife were asked by a best friend, “Does your husband love you?” what do you think her answer would be? That is probably a scary thought! Would she say “Absolutely, he loves me so much, he shows me every day!” or would it be more along the lines of “We’ve worked out a comfortable living situation together.”? As a husband, you definitely want her to give the former response. Chances are, if you have found this web page, that would NOT be her answer!

Guess what! You have come to the right place! This site and our entire ministry are dedicated to the absolute miracle of bringing serious marriage repair to the worst of the worst marriage dysfunctions. You can have found the answer!

The marriage repair advice that we provide on the site, and in our books, isn’t like the common material you may have seen elsewhere. No, we don’t teach a wife to submit to and respect her husband regardless of how he treats her. Absolutely NOT! That is the wrong teaching that has caused many Christian marriages to fail. Yes, we KNOW that God can help you attain the marriage of your dreams. We call our marriage an Outrageously Happy Marriage!

If you are willing (husbands) to lay your life down and love your wife as Christ loves the church, and if you can make your marriage a safe place; safe enough to where she is again willing to give her heart to you again, then you too, can have an outrageously happy marriage! We speak to many couples just like you every day, couples with the most serious of marriage issues, giving them the advice that they need in order to ignite and keep a fire in their marriage.

Yes, God has taught us how to repair marriage, regardless of the marriage issues. It is a fact that the majority of men, though well meaning, simply have no clue when it comes to treating their wives appropriately. Men often say to me that their wives constantly ask them to do things and that it makes them feel henpecked. If you want your wife to quit nagging you, then we have the SIMPLE solution for you! DO WHAT YOUR WIFE AKS YOU TO DO, THE FIRST TIME SHE ASKS YOU TO DO IT. Do this and you will NEVER be nagged again! It is a TOTAL MIRACLE! It works EVERY time!

Try it! Don’t let your pride or ego get in the way. You will have some stunning improvement in your marriage. Why? All nagging will stop! – and most men complain that getting their wife to quit nagging is one of their biggest goals in life! Goal accomplished! In addition, your sweetheart will be much happier, not having to remind you for the 100th time to pick up your dirty underwear or to spend time with her and the children.

We are Joel and Kathy Davisson. Our two books, The Man of Her Dreams/The Woman of His! and Book 2: Livin’ it and Lovin’ it!, are filled with real life, day to day ideas and “paradigms” that can work miracles and truly repair a marriage that is collapsing. The help we provide is based on 14 of these new Paradigms of Marriage that we discovered together, and are willing to share with you so you can achieve the marriage that God has intended for you. We call these “Joel and Kathy’s New Maradigms of Marriage”. If you LEARN THEM and LIVE THEM, then you can enjoy a life like we enjoy, where you are everyday, Livin’ it and Lovin’ it!