Marriage Adultery

Marriage Adultery

Marriage Adultery Marriage adultery is a problem that leads to divorce all too often. If this is something that has occurred in your marriage, then my wife, Kathy, and I have some great news for you. It is not too late to turn your marriage around for the better. We work with people each day, many of whom have had infidelity occur in their marriage. One thing that we have found over the years in our ministry is that when a wife commits adultery, the fault, amazingly, must be laid at the husband’s feet! This does sound shocking and completely ridiculous at first, but the truth is that when a Christian wife commits adultery, a look into the heart of the marriage will reveal that the husband literally shoved her into the arms of another man!

In order for a husband to prevent marriage adultery from occurring in his relationship, he needs to remain emotionally faithful to his wife. Think about it. When you first get home from work, do you give your wife a smile, hug and kiss? or do you go for the remote control? Believe it or not, this is a form of emotional adultery that can be very hard for a wife to cope with. When you continue to deprive her of love and attention, it is the same thing as cheating! Eventually, she may respond by doing the same thing to you. In other words, you may reap what you are sowing!

In the Bible, the book of Hosea gives a similar point of view on the subject. God’s Word declares that he does not blame a Christian wife who commits adultery in marriage, but instead, actually holds the husband responsible! This is due to the fact that the men were putting other things in their lives ahead of their commitments to God and their wives. This is a type of harlotry or idolatry and God declares that a Christian wife who gets into an affair ONLY gets into that affair in response to her husband committing harlotry or adultery. We explain this in depth in our second book, “Livin’ it and Lovin; it!”

We are Joel and Kathy Davisson. We would like to reassure you that an outrageously happy marriage after adultery can exist. After all, we survived it when it occurred in our marriage. We are now enjoying an Outrageously Happy Marriage – a relationship that is better than we could have ever imagined! We’ve written about the events that happened in our marriage that led it to the breaking point, and how it was eventually miraculously changed in our two books: The Man of Her Dreams/The Woman of His! and Book 2: Livin’ it and Lovin’ it! In addition, the help goes on and on until YOU are HAPPILY MARRIED n our 24/7 Marriage Mentoring forum, nationwide marriage mentoring calls, DVD sets and Weekend Marriage Intensives – all designed to help YOU go from misery to OUTRAGEOUSLY HAPPY in YOUR marriage!